August 6, 2024

What it takes to trust others...

Trusting our own heart and mind and others is definitely a skill we have to acquire in order to thrive. Being our most authentic self, marching to the beat of our own drum, charting a course that is alignment with our own values all rely on trust.

Yet, for many, the journey to trust can be hindered by past experiences of abuse, which often sow seeds of self-doubt. However, overcoming these challenges is not just possible but essential for reclaiming one's narrative and identity. 

Building trust requires consistency, integrity, and mutual respect. It often begins with small interactions that demonstrate reliability and goodwill. These interactions create a sense of predictability and safety, reinforcing the belief that the other person can be relied upon.

Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial for building trust. When individuals express themselves clearly and listen attentively to others, they demonstrate respect and create a foundation for understanding.

Reliability: Consistently following through on commitments and promises builds trust. When someone demonstrates reliability in their actions, it shows they value the relationship and respect the other person's expectations.

Integrity: Acting in accordance with ethical principles and demonstrating honesty in interactions fosters trust. Integrity involves being truthful and transparent, even when faced with difficult situations.

Empathy and Understanding: Showing empathy and understanding towards others' feelings and perspectives helps build trust. When individuals feel heard and validated, they are more likely to trust that their needs and emotions are respected.

Once trust is established, it requires ongoing effort and nurturing to maintain:

Consistency: Continuously demonstrating reliability, honesty, and empathy reinforces trust over time.

Respect: Respecting boundaries, honoring commitments, and valuing differences sustain trust and strengthen relationships.

Repairing Trust: When trust is compromised, addressing issues promptly, apologizing sincerely, and taking corrective actions are essential for rebuilding trust.

Despite its challenges, trust brings numerous benefits. Trust fosters deeper connections, intimacy, and emotional support within relationships.  Feeling trusted and trusting others also contributes to greater emotional resilience, satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Even though abuse may cause you to be full of self-doubt, it does not have to remain this way. You can learn to trust yourself and your decisions and show up in the world as the amazing unique person you are!

Want to learn more about trusting others? Be sure to check out this month's Thrive Tribe!

To building strong connections!

P.S. If you're ready to take the next step in healing from abuse and would like to explore enrolling in the Beyond Surviving program, start by applying for a Discover Your Genuine Self session.


For years, Antonia silently navigated the dark fathoms of her internalized pain, which manifested in myriad self-destructive habits: disordered eating, drug and alcohol abuse. Only decades later, while recovering from a serious bike accident, did she finally stop running and start reflecting—giving her the power to fully accept what had happened to her in her early life and ultimately forgive the unforgivable.

Raw and visceral yet gorgeously lyrical, Underwater Daughter masterfully conveys not only the rippling effects of childhood trauma but also the hope that with honesty and work, healing is possible.



August 8th, 4:30p-6p PT / 7:30p-9p ET

Join us for this transformative workshop and leave with the confidence to navigate your relationships with discernment and trust. Whether in your personal or professional life, these skills will help you build stronger, more authentic connections.

in partnership with CPTSD Foundation

August 12th


For survivors of childhood sexual abuse, PTSD is an anxiety disorder that is directly related to exposure to abuse and experiences of intense fear, helplessness, or horror. We will discuss PTSD, its symptoms, how memory is impacted, and how to overcome PTSD. 

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