June 4, 2024

Parenting with PTSD

One of the most common questions I get is, "Rachel, how do I not repeat the mistakes of my parents?"

My first answer is always, "Well you already are breaking old patterns just by even asking that question and being curious about what you can do differently. We can build on that!"

Parenting while also navigating PTSD and other trauma symptoms can sometimes overshadow the joy, love, and growth that comes with parenthood.

There are unique challenges. Yet, despite the obstacles, many individuals with PTSD navigate parenthood with grace, resilience, and unwavering love.

Understanding PTSD is crucial in comprehending its effects on parenting. PTSD can manifest in a myriad of ways, such as intrusive memories, hypervigilance, avoidance behaviors, and mood swings. These symptoms can significantly influence a parent's ability to connect with their children, manage stress, and maintain a sense of stability within the family dynamic.

One of the most significant challenges parents with PTSD face is managing triggers. Triggers are stimuli that evoke memories or emotions related to the traumatic event. For a parent with PTSD, triggers can arise unexpectedly, sometimes during routine interactions with their children. These triggers may lead to emotional distress, anxiety, or even dissociation, making it challenging to provide consistent and nurturing care to their children.

Furthermore, parenting with PTSD often involves navigating feelings of guilt and shame. Parents may feel guilty for being unable to fully engage with their children or for displaying symptoms of PTSD in front of them. They may also experience shame for not living up to societal standards of what constitutes "good" parenting. It's essential for parents with PTSD to recognize that their condition does not diminish their worth as parents. Seeking support and practicing self-compassion are crucial steps in overcoming feelings of guilt and shame.

Building a support network is paramount for parents with PTSD. Whether it's through coaching, support groups, or trusted friends and family members, having a support system can provide validation, empathy, and practical assistance. 

Communication is another key aspect of parenting with PTSD. Being open and honest with their children about their condition, in an age-appropriate manner, can foster understanding and empathy within the family. Moreover, establishing clear boundaries and routines can help create a sense of safety and predictability for both the parent and the child.

Self-care is not selfish; it's essential for parents with PTSD. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as mindfulness, exercise, or creative expression, can help alleviate stress and improve overall well-being. Prioritizing self-care allows parents to recharge and better meet the demands of parenting.

Despite the challenges, parenting with PTSD can also be a source of strength and growth. Many parents find that their experiences with PTSD instill them with empathy, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the present moment. By embracing their journey and seeking support when needed, parents with PTSD can create loving and nurturing environments where their children can thrive.

To pattern breaking!

P.S. If you're ready to take the next step in healing from abuse and would like to explore enrolling in the Beyond Surviving program, start by applying for a Discover Your Genuine Self session.


I'm excited to share this book with you all written 
by Beyond Surviving Graduate Julie Marrast!

Have you ever vowed that you would break free from the patterns of unhealthy parenting you experienced as a child? To never find yourself trapped in reactive behaviors, struggling with emotional regulation, or stuck in relationships that don’t nurture your well-being?

Many parents share this yearning for a healthier approach to parenting, yet still find themselves repeating familiar, unhealthy behaviors with their children. It’s so frustrating and heartbreaking to feel nothing but overwhelm, exhaustion, and an inability to change things for the better.

In Different Than Your Parents, Julie shares her personal struggles with these very same hurdles as a young mother and her journey to finally discovering the missing piece to overcoming them. After years of intricate research and deep personal practice, Marrast has developed her proprietary HERO LIFE HAPPY® Experience to help other parents do the same.


Intuition & Trusting Yourself


June 6th, 4:30p-6p PT / 7:30p-9p ET

Unlock your inner confidence & embrace self-trust in this empowering workshop designed to help you harness your instincts & navigate life's uncertainties with self-assurance.

in partnership with CPTSD Foundation

June 10th


As survivors of childhood sexual abuse, one of the many reasons it’s so difficult to break the silence is the many negative messages we receive about ourselves. It’s a wonder we never tell anyone about the abuse. But tonight, even if you don’t share, come join us in breaking the silence. 

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