January 4, 2022

Are you tired of being a hot mess?

"But Rachel - you just don't get it! I'm just facing so many things - nothing is working. How in the world can I heal when every part of my life is such a mess?"

This is one of the most common questions/sentiments I get from folks when we first meet to explore working together - and Cheri (who you'll meet in a moment) was no exception to that rule.

And I get it!

One of the main reasons why the Beyond Surviving program even exists is because I found myself scrambling, trying everything to heal, and repeatedly hitting dead ends. The people trying to help me meant well, but they just really didn't have the answers I was looking for, and I was left feeling truly afraid that my life was too much of a mess and healing wasn't possible and that I was just going to be stuck the way I was.

So I set out to answer the question, "How do I actually heal from sexual abuse?" 

And ya know what - I did heal!

When I began to take everything I had learned and done that had made a difference in my own life and form it into the Beyond Surviving program, I was 100% clear that whatever I did - it had to make a very real difference and lead to change that lasts.

To make sure that happens, I follow up with all of my graduates regularly and continue to tweak and adjust the program based on their feedback.

To my great joy, I recently reconnected with Cheri who graduated in 2017. It's amazing to see how much her life has changed and how the work we did together has continued to play a part in that. 

Cheri shares how she went from stuck (a hot mess in her words) to empowered, peaceful, and thriving. She also shares what life is like now as a leader at Amirah, an organization that serves women who have been sex trafficked.

It's her story and the many others like hers that keep me coming back day after day to go on this journey with people who are tired of wasting their time, money, and energy on things that don't actually make a difference.

I can say with confidence that the Beyond Surviving program is not a flash in the pan, but leads to real transformation - and I'm super proud of that! 

If you're feeling frustrated and beginning to despair that nothing is ever going to help, I want you to listen to my chat with Cheri and to be encouraged. While it takes commitment, consistency, and mentorship...

Real change isn't a pipe dream. I promise!

Watch: I share a bit about how I face and overcome hopelessness.

If you're feeling like a hot mess right now, what's one small (even if it seems insignificant) thing that is actually going well?


From the now iconic Barack Obama 'Hope' poster of the 2008 presidential campaign to the pit-head 'Camp Hope' of the families of the trapped Chilean miners, the language of hope can be hugely powerful as it draws on resources that are uniquely human and universal. We are beings who hope. But what does that say about us? What is hope and what role does it play in our lives? In his fascinating and thought-provoking investigation into the meaning of hope, Stan van Hooft shows that hope is a fundamental structure of the way we live our lives. 





My Beyond Surviving Program is my in-depth program of live coaching calls and support that teach you how to finally be free of the past and move on with your life.

It's for you if you want step-by-step support to reliably and consistently navigate life with clarity and ease.

This program is designed for all types of survivors who are sick and tired of going around the same mountain over and over again and who want to learn specific tools and skills for transforming their lives.


Boundaries & Assertiveness

Setting boundaries and assertiveness are both essential for survivors if we want to be treated with respect and improve our self-esteem. We'll explore the process of learning to set boundaries & be assertive.

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