January 31, 2022

Why would anything be wrong? I'm tooooooootally fine 😖

This past Sunday, I had one of those most glorious and luxurious of days. It started with breakfast in bed with my girlfriend brought to us by my sweet guy. Then he wandered off, and she and I were left with hours of time to fill with all of our luscious feminine energy.

Next up was a 90 minute Healing in Motion movement class, during which we got to embody different types of weather and did some mirroring movement exercises as well. This led to our bodies opening up, stretching, and relaxing...so landing outside on the back porch, lounging on the day bed in the sunshine was exactly the right next move!

As the sun set and hunger set in, we rifled through the fridge and decided on old school grilled cheese sandwiches. As my girlfriend nudged me out of the kitchen, I breathed in the joy of being cared for and curled up on the couch, wrapped in my comfy, fuzzy blue blanket that reminds me of the Cookie Monster, and started scrolling through the top movies.

Immediately I knew what I wanted to watch - Encanto!

As I waited for the grilled cheese to toast, I turned on some music and this song came on first: Feel this Moment by Pitbull featuring Christina Aguilera

OMG! The best!! Commence living room dancing like no one is watching (while also being hyped up and reminded that this moment is it --- be present!).

Grilled cheeses in hand - we hit play. I missed the first few minutes as I was so blown away by how damn good that grilled cheese was .

Rewind. Restart. Now fully my five year old self - ready for a movie and yummy lunch.

The whoooooooole movie is amazing. But the scene that got both me and my girlfriend most in tears was when the sister, Luisa (played by Jessica Darrow) breaks into her song "Surface Pressure".

The lead into the song is her assuring her little sister Mirabel that, "I'm fine, of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine!!??"

Sound familiar?

How often do you walk through life as the "strong one", unquestioning, pushing, doing what's demanded, and pushing way way way down the parts of you that are scared, feel worthless, anxious - constantly ready to blow?

Beloveds - take a breath. You cannot carry it all. You cannot do it all. You cannot do it perfectly.

And if you know this but don't know how to shift out of being a one-person show, please reach out and connect with me. I'd love to support you with that!

Here's to releasing the pressure,

Watch Encanto!

If you were to take the pressure off yourself today, what's one thing you would do differently?


In Down the Foggy Streets of My Mind, Kelliane Parker takes a scalpel to Dissociative Identity Disorder, trauma, stigma, survivorship, and the precarious endurance of the human heart. Her words are at turns haunting, charred, urgent, and beautifully alive. These poems carve resiliency into the silence of abuse until the word that rings loudest and clearest is healing. It's challenging and startling, a remembering, a fragmenting, and ultimately, a resurrection.





Relationships have great significance for us all in terms of support, love, validation, a sense of belonging, and even a sense of "family." We will explore what happens around our needs and wants in relationships and what comes up around getting attached.

Year of Self-Care: Decisions

"No. Nope. Not happening. Non. Nein."

Whatever way you say it, getting good at saying no and honoring yourself by doing so is super important for those of us who have experienced trauma.

This week, check in with yourself before saying yes and take care of you by saying no rather than sacrificing yourself.

You matter. You can be your top priority!

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #yearofselfcare #beyondsurviving #decisions #sayno #empowered #priorities #putyourselffirst


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 28, 2022

How to Locate Distress in the Mind

Being able to notice and identify the common thoughts you tend to have when yo are distressed is a key skill to develop. This will afford you the opportunity to slow down, challenge negative patterns of thought, and get back in the driver's seat. You do not have to immediately believe the thoughts you have. Let's explore some ways to identify distressing thoughts!

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #neuroscienceoftrauma #beyondsurviving #traumatoolkit #healing #nervoussystemregulation #metoo #childhoodtrauma #overcoming #mindfulness #challengenegativethoughts #avoidthespiral #empowered


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 24, 2022

Year of Self-Care: Tenderness

Do you cherish yourself? Are you tender with yourself as you journey through challenges and obstacles? How often do you speak kind words to yourself?

Language is extremely powerful! This is a core tenant of Beyond Surviving, and I love teaching my clients how to expand their capacity to be kind and compassionate with themselves.

We do it so naturally with others.

Time to do it for ourselves too!! 🤗

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #yearofselfcare #beyondsurviving #tenderness #cherish #innerchild #kind #languageispower #watchwhatyousay #speaklife #metoo #childhoodtrauma #youdeserveit


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 18, 2022

Timika: Owning Your Truth


I connect with Timika Chambers whose mission is to increase compassion, healing, love and truth in the world through her writing and speaking. She shares how owning her truths about her childhood sexual abuse experiences led her out of the darkness and into the light.

We discuss how we can embrace the storms or healing (residual emotions and feelings) related to my childhood sexual trauma to make a pathway for healing that is necessary, possible, and a process.

#beyondsurviving #metoo #breakthesilence #yourstorymatters  #compassion #speakyourtruth #childhoodsexualabuse #sexualabuse #tellingishealing #love #truth #pathwaytohealing


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 17, 2022

Year of Self-Care: Passion

What are the passions or interests that you have become disconnected from? How can you love and take care of yourself this week by tapping into a passion and creating space to express yourself? What are you being drawn to that you keep saying no to that you could say yes to this week?

Resurrecting our passion is an act of defiance and a reclaiming of ourselves!

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #yearofselfcare #beyondsurviving #passion #selfexpression #bebold #reclaim #thisisyourlife #sayyes


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 14, 2022

How to Locate Distress in the Body

Being able to tune into your body and notice the shifts and changes in your sensations and energy plays a vital role in healing. The more we are connected with the body, the better able we are to identify sensations that are tied to distress and activation and thus be better equipped to drop in and do some regulation before our system is too out of whack.

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #neuroscienceoftrauma #peterlevine #beyondsurviving #traumatoolkit #embodied #senses #healing #nervoussystemregulation #yourbodyisyourguide #energy #metoo #childhoodtrauma


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

January 10, 2022

Year of Self-Care: Playfulness

Oh hell yeah! Are y'all ready to play this week? Reclaiming our inner child, the gift of playfulness and self-expression...I am all about that. This week I invite you to set aside the adulting from time to time and listen to your inner compass and discover ways that you love to play!!

P.S. Studies show that play actually helps speed up the healing process 🤪 

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #playfulness #yearofselfcare #healing #innerwisdom #innerchild #selfcare #selfexpression #laugh #giggle #move #likenobodyiswatching #doyou


Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you're in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. 
This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you've been seeking.

Sign up for my free guide so you can stop spinning your wheels and instead navigate your way through each stage of recovery with ease and clarity. Get the support you need today