August 31, 2020

What triggers set you off?

Ugh! Triggers. Am I right?

At one point in my life, it felt like all of my senses -- a sound, a smell, a touch, a taste, an image -- were minefields for getting triggered.

This was particularly painful during my teen years because no one had explained to me how trauma impacts the brain's ability to assess and respond to risk proportionally

As a result, I spent so much time in anxiety and fear that I couldn't even fathom actually facing and taking on the abuse. I mean, if this is what it felt like when I was "ignoring" it, what in the world would happen if I actually began to talk about it?

Can you relate? Have you ever thought, as my client Crystal did, "I don't want to touch it with a ten-foot pole. I am scared and unsure about opening the box of abuse"?

I totally get it.

The good news is ... this isn't permanent!

The first step is to fully understand how the brain becomes wired as a result of trauma to interpret the world around us as "unsafe". 

From there, we then begin to use interventions and strategies to "rewire" the brain so as to reduce and eliminate triggers.

This is critical to healing from sexual abuse (and also makes it more approachable/doable) - because, when we are not constantly activated/triggered - we can focus, tap into motivation, stay grounded and present, better respond to stresses and challenges, remain more even-tempered, and take on the trauma.

It is one of the things that brings me the most joy in the work I do with my clients -- seeing them go from destabilized, antagonized -- to peaceful and at ease. Like Crystal - when she started the program, the sound of sirens would immediately cause her to panic and dissociate.

Through our work together, she was able to retrain her brain and eliminate this trigger!

Listen to Crystal share about it in her own words!

If the time is now for you to no longer be set off by triggers, and if you aren't sure how to get there, then I invite you to apply for a Discover Your Genuine Self session so I can share with you the steps you need to take to in order to build your capacity to walk through the world with ease!

To kicking triggers to the curb,

Watch this video in which Dr. Simone Ravicz and I discuss how, by using brain-based, proven scientific techniques, you can rid yourself of the disturbing emotions, unhealthy behavior and physical problems that arise from trauma.

Read about your brain's "delete" button!

What are the triggers that you'd love to be free of?


Michael Sunset's memoir details the way he was systematically manipulated by his ex-wife, her father, his mother, and sister to believe he had a mental illness. His ex-wife worked to manipulate mental health professionals and the family court system to obtain control of their finances and daughter during their divorce process. Michael describes how jarring it is to experience and how to defend against it.



Have you been wondering why your relationship is not what you want it to be no matter how hard you try

Millions across the globe are fraught with frustration, overcome by obligation and feel powerless to affect progress in their personal and professional lives.  

Those that have left abusive relationships are free but free-falling grasping for stability, safety, and belonging.  

Many have gone through the trenches and come out victors, leaving their fingerprint on the world and pulling up countless others with them as they rise. 

That is why I'm honored to be a guest speaker in an online summit called: Emotional Abuse to Euphoria: How to Read the Red Flags, Get Clarity & Manage Your Mind to Live the Life You Truly Love

Myself and over 20 other experts, in a collection of FREE mentoring sessions, will be providing the tools and resources needed to take the big leap into the life of your dreams. You were not merely meant to survive but to THRIVE. If you’re ready to take the first baby step, we welcome you with open arms!


September: "False Memory" Backlash

Dissociation and traumatic amnesia are common ways of attempting to cope with childhood abuse. Many survivors have delayed or recovered memories, and because of this we are often confronted (by ourselves or others) with the question, "Are you sure?" We will discuss the impact of trauma on the memory so you can set your mind at ease about what you have experienced and own the truth of it.

Learn More & Register Here

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