May 1, 2020

Healing isn't possible...

"But Rachel, I've tried everything - how can I believe that this is going to be any different? I just don't know if healing is possible."

This is one of the most common questions/sentiments I get from folks when we first meet to explore working together - and Siobhan (who you'll meet in a moment) was no exception to that rule.

And I get it!

One of the main reasons why the Beyond Surviving program even exists is because I found myself scrambling, trying everything to heal, and repeatedly hitting dead ends. The people trying to help me meant well, but they just really didn't have the answers I was looking for, and I was left feeling truly afraid that healing wasn't possible and that I was just going to be stuck the way I was.

So I set out to answer the question, "How do I actually heal from sexual abuse?"

And ya know what - I did heal!

When I began to take everything I had learned and done that had made a difference in my own life and form it into the Beyond Surviving program, I was 100% clear that whatever I did - it had to make a very real difference and lead to change that lasts.

To make sure that happens, I follow up with all of my graduates regularly and continue to tweak and adjust the program based on their feedback.

To my great joy, I recently reconnected with Siobhan who graduated in 2017. It's amazing to see how much her life has changed in these past 3 years and how the work we did together has continued to play a part in that.

It's her story and the many others like hers that keep me coming back day after day to go on this journey with men and women who are tired of wasting their time, money, and energy on things that don't actually make a difference.

I can say with confidence that the Beyond Surviving program is not a flash in the pan, but leads to real transformation - and I'm super proud of that!

If you're feeling frustrated and beginning to despair that nothing is ever going to help, I want you to listen to my chat with Siobhan and to be encouraged. While it takes commitment, consistency, and mentorship...

Real change isn't a pipe dream. I promise.

To change that lasts,

Beyond Surviving Graduate, Siobhan, and I talk about how life has been since she graduated in 2017!
P.S. I'm not really that pale #lightinggoals

If you're ready to make a change that lasts, go here to

Watch this video to learn how to get out of your own way and stop sabotaging your healing.

Read how you can hit the reset button for your brain to activate lasting healing and transformation!

How would your life be different if you took a leap of faith today?


The latest research from neuroscience and psychotherapy has shown we can rewire the brain to facilitate trauma recovery.

Trauma Treatment Toolbox teaches clinicians how to take that brain-based approach to trauma therapy, showing how to effectively heal clients' brain with straightforward, easy-to-implement treatment techniques. Each tool includes a short list of post trauma symptoms, relevant research, application, and clinician tips on how to complete the exercise.

- Trauma treatment roadmap, based on neuroscience
- Poses and movement-based techniques
- Breathing and body-based scripts
- Cognitive tools
- Inspiring new strategies
- Psychoeducational handouts for clients

Even if you aren't a clinician, I highly recommend this book for expanding your own toolkit!


Calling all Perfectionists!!!

“Joy Is My Copilot: The Burned Out Perfectionist’s Guide to Joy, Success, and Freedom in your Heart-Centered Business” is a FREE video course that will help you create a successful business that is filled with joy, abundance, and love being offered by my dear friend and colleague Ivy LaClair - you do not want to miss out on this opportunity to learn from this amazing woman.

Her course will help you (even if you aren't a business owner):
  • Learn the New Rules of success, achievement, & productivity, and let go of old beliefs and strategies that no longer serve you.
  • Have more energy and time to focus on intentional and meaningful business goals.
  • Increase your impact and financial prosperity while having fun along the way.
  • Feel more confident in your decisions and ability to celebrate the wins.

With Joy as Your Copilot, you can finally make building your successful business the life-affirming adventure of your dreams!

During this time of uncertainty and stress, it has never been more important to cultivate joy. As Gabby Bernstein says “Great change in the world cannot come from our hopelessness, it must come from our inspiration and joy.”

Learn More & Register Here

May: Trust & Intimacy
In this month's group meeting, we will talk about trust and mistrust, how our intimacy in friendships and other relationships is impacted by abuse, and what we can do to trust more - in ourselves, others, and the world.
Learn More & Register Here

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