Wow! In the last few months, this community has grown quite a bit! Whether you've been following me for a long time or you're new to the crew, I thought this might be a great time to "re-introduce" myself.
Some of you are familiar with my story and some of you are just getting to know me - either way, I wanted to share with you all this interview I did last September where I told my story in a brand new way through the lens of how I developed empathy and how that influences the work I do with my clients everyday.
Here's a little teaser:
"I was a happy kid – always laughing, always smiling. Below the surface, I was starting to feel like the odd kid out. By the time I was in kindergarten, my brother was 17 and my sister was 14. They were teenagers, and I was no longer a cute toddler who could gain their attention just by saying a new word. My world was getting smaller.
I had the bad haircut that traumatizes all children in first grade. I met the woman who would inspire me to become a teacher (or, at the very least, work with children), Mrs. Hendren, in second grade. I kicked butt as a goalie in. In third grade, I went to my first overnight camp, my brother joined the military, and my sister went to her senior prom and then quickly got out of dodge.
My cheeks were getting plumper – but I was still smiling! My character – what made me “me” – was forming. I loved to laugh and make other people laugh. But, below the surface, what we were feeling inside – my mom, dad, and I were suffering from “empty nest syndrome”. My granddad, my mother’s father, who had been living with us for a couple of years by that time, filled that empty space in our lives. I loved having my granddad there even though he was really, really old – he was in his early 90’s!! But, I have always been a nurturer, so I loved bringing him his breakfast in the morning and his snacks at night and holding our springy screen door open for him so he could go out and sit on the front porch swing.
Finally 10 years, my first double digit! I was in fourth grade! And, for all intents and purposes, I was a pretty normal kid.
My granddad was still living with us, and I was still on “screen-door” duty. One day, I was still glowing from having just turned 10, I was hangin’ out – watchin’ some cheesy 80’s TV, and I heard my granddad coming down the hall. I knew he was heading outside, so I hopped up, and went to the door. Usually, my granddad hung out by himself for a while then knocked when he was ready to come back in. This day was different.
When my granddad pulled my arm and dragged me with him to the porch swing, I didn’t think much of it. It was a nice day; I guess I thought he wanted some company.
That’s not what he wanted."
Read the full story (and see some of my baby pics!!) here:
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me, and I truly enjoy being a resource and support to you in your healing journey!
The biggest thing I've learned is that trauma is not a life sentence, and I look forward to the opportunity to guide you to live Beyond Surviving!
With love!
P.S. If you're ready to take the next step in healing from abuse and would like to explore enrolling in the Beyond Surviving program, start by applying for a Discover Your Genuine Self Session.
in partnership with CPTSD Foundation
March 10th
As survivors of childhood sexual abuse, healing is not linear - and yet, it is still a process!
This month, we explore the stages of healing and the best resources to access at each stage.

The strategies I’m going to share in this class are practical, easy to use, and the most effective ways I know to break free from fear and anxiety. They immediately shift you from feeling stuck and immobilized to energized and ready to take life on.