July 27, 2015

A Beyond Survivor Shares Her Story

Having now worked as a Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach since 2007, I can say that I have one of coolest jobs ever. Not only do I get to spend my days walking alongside amazing men and women, assisting them in their journey of recovery, but I know without a doubt that my Beyond Survivors are a very special breed. They are generous, loving, world-changers, fun, and brave.

So, it's with great honor that I get to introduce you today to Siobhan, who became a Beyond Survivor in 2015. She shares with you a bit about her journey and what she gained from our time working together.

"It was very affirming to have someone tell me that what I'd been through was a big deal and I was allowed to be upset about it, but to then offer me support, guidance, nurturing in a very empathetic way."

You can learn more about my Beyond Surviving program here, but more importantly, leave a comment for Siobhan letting her know what you got from her story.

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