April 25, 2022

Year of Self-Care: Faith

Can you think of a time in your life when you didn't have any guarantee of the outcome and yet you took a leap of faith anyway and were so glad you did?

For a looooooooong time, I was paralyzed in lots of areas of my life, because I was risk adverse due to trauma and I wanted absolute assurance that things were going to go my way.

I've learned how to release my attachments to control over the years, and as a result have experiences and relationships that I never could have imagined as possible.

What leap of faith will you take today?

Continue the conversation! Join us in the Healing from Sexual Abuse group on Facebook, a safe space for survivors to come together to receive support and guidance. bit.ly/healingfromsexualabuse

#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #yearofselfcare #beyourtrueself #beyondsurviving #faith #releasecontrol #leapoffaith #healingisajourney #ptsd #metoo #childhoodtrauma #beyonder #encouragement


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