Resources, personal stories, communication techniques, and strategies for survivors of sexual abuse who are ready to break free from the past and return to their genuine self.
December 21, 2021
Hélène: A Voice for Change
December 20, 2021
I love making mistakes
#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #perfectionism #flow #energy #breakfree #metoo #healing #selfcompassion #practicewhatyoupreach #alwaysgrowing #mistakesareokay #celebrate
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
December 10, 2021
How to Increase Your Capacity to Cope with Stress
One of the most damaging outcomes of trauma is that our capacity to cope with stress becomes limited due to our nervous system being all out of whack. This takes a toll on us as day after day we walk out into the world, face life's challenges, and feel like the littlest thing can tip us over the edge. The good news is, we can build our capacity to cope with stress and to stay grounded so that we can experience more freedom and ease in our lives.
I share how we can start to do this by focusing on attuning to our levels of distress.
#coachrachelsays #beyondsurviving #healing #dissociation #grounded #presence #healing #copingstrategies #neuroscienceoftrauma #metoo #slowdown #empowered #nervoussystemregulation #attunement #increaseyourcapacity #emotionalhealth #selfawareness
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
December 7, 2021
If you ever feel like it's taking too long...
Wishing You a Happy Holiday and New Year!
As 2021 comes to an end, I like so many am longing for more time being with my people, having adventures, connection, getting back to things I've been so missing, and just feeling a stronger sense of peace and that all is right with the world - yeah, I know - big ask!
This year has been full of surprises and challenges on the personal and professional front - everything from a business partnership ending unexpectedly to major concerns about the welfare of my mom who has Alzheimer's and lives in nursing home.
I've really had to sink in and feel my feelings, generate hope and willingness when the overwhelm or frustration felt like too much to bare, and tap in to the amazing friends I have who refuse to let me ever go too far astray.
Speaking of friendship, I just finished watching The Bold Type - and the unfolding stories of these women has been such a salve to me this year.
In one of the episodes towards the end of the series, the character Sutton, who is feeling behind (idling as she describes it) in comparison to her friends, laments how long it has taken her to get to where she is - finally doing the job she dreamed of. Her boss and mentor, simply says, "You weren't idling. You were preparing, so when the timing was right, you could soar."
For all of you who may be wondering if it's taking you too long in whatever (career, family, healing, relationships), I pass along Jacqueline Carlyle's sage advice to you.
All things arrive in their due and perfect season, you are preparing, you are growing, and may you find a way to celebrate any of the steps you took this year towards healing!
- 680 people have now completed my 28-Day Boot Camp for the Brain self-study program, and I am very proud that I continue to be able to offer this life changing program for those who need it on a sliding scale in honor of my commitment that anyone impacted by trauma, at the very least, know how to practice the basics when it comes to healing and retraining the brain.
- I started a new YouTube series call Monday Minis and am so loving this fun way of connecting with you all.
- Finally got to meet my newest niece in person!!

- 5600 people are now members of my Healing from Sexual Abuse Facebook group and the volunteer team of Comment Moderators is going strong. I am so in awe of the sharing, support, and community that is building and this safe space that we've created for people to be seen and heard with care and compassion.
- Last year I conquered stories on Instagram, now I'm experimenting with reels!
- I launched a new reClaim Your Desire program with my dear friend and colleague Xanet Pailet for Beyond Surviving Graduates. Whoa nelly - has this been a growth opportunity. It's been so long since I launched Beyond Surviving, that I am re-remembering what it's like to start something from scratch, to put it out there, and to be open to the journey of receiving feedback and adapting along the way!
- I saw a record number of men enroll in Beyond Surviving and join our community this year. It is such a joy to see men reaching out for support and to be able to mentor them as they heal and cast off the shame of trauma.
- Enjoyed an amazing trip to Hawaii!
- 2021 marks the end of my 14th year as a Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach. Witnessing the growth and healing of my clients is by far the highlight of my year!
Some things I'm looking forward to in 2022:
- I've begun working more closely with non-profits (such as Brave Step and Kerengende Foundation) to offer workshops and trainings, and I'm looking forward to expanding this in 2022. If you know of any organizations who could benefit from my teachings, please send them my way!
- Travel! Now that things are opening back up, I can't wait to see more of the world!
- This year, I had the great joy of interviewing Beyond Surviving Graduates for the podcast. I'm looking forward to the 9th season and bringing in even more great speakers in 2022!
Each year brings with it more surprises, challenges, and opportunities, and as I turn the corner and start my 15th year in business (holy moly!?), I am so curious to see what 2022 will bring!
With deep gratitude, my wish for you is that your holiday and 2022 are filled with joy, love, laughter, and strength.
From our little family to yours - much love,

December 6, 2021
I am reborn everyday
Last night while watching a nature show, a little frog reminded me of one of the most important things we must hold onto as we live and heal!
#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #healing #newstart #metoo #thrive #hope #reborn #souljourney #newday
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
November 29, 2021
I am slowing my roll
Hear how I avoided a major mishap in communication by slowing down and getting curious even though my first instinct was to throw flaming arrows!
#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #communication #curiosity #slowyourroll #pause #breathe #healing #metoo #sexualabuse #connection
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
November 22, 2021
I am healing ancestral wounds
As we head into this coming Thanksgiving, I am feeling very mindful of my Native American ancestors and the process of healing ancestral wounds. There are layers and complexities here for me, but I am inspired to share how this part of my healing has been eye opening and rewarding.
#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #dansiegel #lyvonneproverbs #mindsight #delawaretribe #healing #ancestors #wisdom #epigenetics #journey #miracle #honor #gratitude
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
November 15, 2021
I am healthy
What are the ways that we can intuitively care for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being? I share some of my favorite ways to be in this conversation with myself on the daily.
What do you do to create vitality in your life?
#coachrachelsays #mondaymini #beyondsurviving #mentalhealh #vitality #intuition #healing #sexualabuse #nourishyourself
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
November 12, 2021
What's your boiling point?
I share with you a strategy for being able to gauge when you are reaching your boiling point - the level of distress at which your stress level becomes unmanageable. This is critical so that you can slow down when doing trauma healing work, when communicating or interacting with others, or when doing any self-guided healing work. You DO NOT want to go past your boiling point!
I also share about how states of relaxation can also be activating for some and how "stress-laxing" can impair our ability to reap the benefits of rest!
#coachrachelsays #beyondsurviving #rest #relaxation #boilingpoint #healing #dissociation #withdrawal #connection #grounded #presence #healing #neuroscienceoftrauma #metoo #slowdown #stress #empowered #nervoussystemregulation #pendulation #levelsofdistress #outofcontrol #overwhelm #emotionalhealth #selfawareness
Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse

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