November 15, 2023

Keeper: Brothers – The Hidden Victims When a Sister is Abused


I connect with Keeper Catran-Whitney and we discuss a very important and often ignored topic: the hidden trauma brothers experience after learning their sisters have been sexually abused.

We discuss the importance of brothers being invited to engage, so they can become allies with their sisters and also heal in their own right.

This hidden trauma must no longer be so!

Keeper wants you to know, “We must provide counseling, develop tools, and build support systems for brothers who are in trauma after learning their sister has been sexually abused in the home. We must first recognize that brothers are not unfeeling bystanders or gawking onlookers. Once we learn our sisters have been sexually abused in the home, we are victims like them.”

Men and brothers – your story, your trauma matters.

#beyondsurviving #malesurvivors #yourstorymatters #healingfromsexualabuse

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