August 2, 2023

Are you ready for a clean slate?


Back in 2007, when I ran the very first ever Beyond Surviving group program for women, I had no idea what was about to unfold!

I thought that I'd be able to share my story, share what helped me heal, and then help other people (of all gender identities) find their way out of the past so they could move on with their lives.

Since then, I've been doing that for sure!

What I didn't expect was to get to witness the trickle down effects of walking alongside others and to watch as they really did go out and create the lives that they'd longed for.

Today, I'm particularly thinking of Toni, who I connected with back in 2015.

I'll admit, what I loved first about Toni was her throaty, forget about it East Coast accent :)

What I also immediately noticed was Toni's desires to start a new career, to be a role model to her children, and her deep longing for love.

So much shifted for her during our time together (you can hear it straight from her in the video below), and then imagine my joy when she got married in 2019!

When she launched her business!

And then, last month I received the news that she'd just published a book (link below)!!!!!

If you've been following me for any amount of time, then you've likely heard me say, "Trauma is not a life sentence!"

It's not just a cute saying - I 100% believe it.

And then to witness the reality of it in stories like Toni's (and she's just one of so many!)....well, I mean!! I'm just over the moon proud, and inspired, and heart-full as I think about the ways Toni went from feeling stuck to feeling like she had a clean slate.

So listen, if you're feeling
convinced that you'll never get a "redo" at life.

That you'll forever be stuck in dead end jobs.

That you'll be forever stuck in unhealthy relationships.

That the best you can do is just find some way to survive your life and just get it over with already...

....I hope you'll take some encouragement from Toni's story today.

And of course, if you'd like my mentorship to help you create a clean slate, don't hesitate to reach out!

To reclaiming your life,


Check out Toni's recently published amazing workbook that will help you take charge of your therapy process and progress so you can stop struggling and start living the life you want as quickly as possible. This practical adaptable workbook and journal, designed by a psychotherapist, will become your therapy companion helping you prepare for your sessions, discover key areas to work on in between sessions, and build new positive skills, saving you time and money.

Get your copy!


in partnership with CPTSD Foundation

August 14th


PTSD is an anxiety disorder that is directly related to exposure to abuse and experiences of intense fear, helplessness, or horror. We will discuss PTSD, symptoms, how memory is impacted and how to overcome PTSD.

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