February 7, 2025

Insights from a legit matchmaker 💖

I recently reconnected with Soniyah Singh, the founder of Finding Bliss! Soniyah passionately believes that with Love all things are possible. She is a Love Researcher, Matchmaker, Relationship Coach and a guide for over 16 years.

Her life's calling is to help people be the Love they want & create the Love they seek. She works with singles and couples of all ages, orientations, and backgrounds.

Through her research she has found that the medicine of Love and Compassion can heal conscious and unconscious barriers to Love, Relationships, Intimacy and Pleasure. Her dream is to create more Ripples of Love through sharing inspiring Love Stories of real people and their journeys of struggle and bliss.

She's recently stepped into a new season growth and upleveling her vision, and I'm so glad to introduce you to this powerhouse woman!


RACHEL: What inspired you to start writing about/exploring this topic?

SONIYAH: I live by my mantra, "Always at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people". I was born in New Delhi, India and moved to Queens, New York when I was only in third grade. I grew up in a very traditional Sikh family with matchmaking all around me. My parents and ancestry were all arranged marriages, so to say what I do for a living is my Dharma is an understatement.

I moved across the country to San Francisco, California in my early 20's and pretty quickly it became clear I was gay, so you can only imagine the journey I've been on coming out to a very conservative family.

I was introduced to my teacher, Wayne Dyer, in 2008, which started my awakening in all arenas. Being an Indian woman, I'm big into astrology and every facilitator that has read my chart has said, "You were born to be a teacher of Love!" To that I nod and say, "Yes, I know. I am a Love Coach! I do this for a living!" And this is why it has been a privilege and an honor to have founded and evolved, Finding Bliss. To me, Finding Bliss is a team-made company and we are all a Love story.

RACHEL: What key insights or lessons have you learned through your experiences with this subject?

SONIYAH: That Love is Inevitable. With Love, all things are possible. No matter how profound our trauma and history, if we are willing to cultivate compassion through practice and see from a new lens and perspective, we heal and return to our natural state, which is lovability.

RACHEL: What challenges or misconceptions do you think people face when dealing with this topic, and how can they overcome them?

SONIYAH: In our modern world, there is infinite "advice" from podcasts, books, media, blogs, friends, and family about Love and relationships that is so misleading. It amplifies the fears and challenges that people have gone through and validates their limiting beliefs versus creating growth and recovery. When it comes to matters of the Heart, nothing is black and white or one size fits all. There is no one way for each person to heal because we are all unique in how find our way back to our innate selves.

RACHEL:  Are there any common myths or misunderstandings about this topic that you'd like to address?

SONIYAH: One of the biggest myths is that we cannot heal and create Love simultaneously. This is not true. 30% of people that have just initiated a conversation with me end up meeting their person. They haven't even started the work yet. To this I say, "Finding Love is inevitable, however let's do the deeper work so you can actually receive Love in a way that you never have before and for this connection to be sustainable." So yes, it is possible to meet your Beloved having done no work, however, it may not be sustainable.

Another biggie connected to the above myth is constant comparison to other people's journeys and trauma. I hear people say, "How can THEY have a relationship and they haven't done any work yet?" My Love Research shows that no one journey is the same. If we don't know the story of a person or couple and we are making assumptions based on what we are seeing on the surface, we end up keeping ourselves stuck and in the cycle of judgement and comparison.

RACHEL: What resources, tools, or next steps would you recommend for readers who want to dive deeper into this topic?

SONIYAH: Because your journey is individual and depends on the season of healing you're in, the resources, tools, and next steps I would offer would be personal to you. The best next step would be reaching out to Finding Bliss for a Discovery Session if you feel driven to dive deeper.


I soooo ditto everything that Soniyah has offered here and encourage you, if you're currently seeking love, to check out her site and all of the great resources for more encouragement, support and inspiration!

To Love!

P.S. If you're ready to take the next step in healing from abuse and would like to explore enrolling in the Beyond Surviving program, start by applying for a Discover Your Genuine Self Session.




Get ready to unlock your potential and break free from self-sabotage in this empowering workshop designed to identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs, fostering personal growth and resilience!

Overcoming self-sabotage is essential because it allows us to align our actions with our true goals and values, unlocking our full potential. When we recognize and address the fears and limiting beliefs that drive self-sabotaging behaviors, we build confidence, strengthen relationships, and create a path to personal growth.

in partnership with CPTSD Foundation

February 10th


Relationships have great significance for us all in terms of support, love, validation, a sense of belonging, and even a sense of "family." We will explore what happens around our needs and wants in relationships and what comes up around getting attached.

January 2, 2025

The power of the mind-body connection 🧠👋

I recently connected with Jennie Delreeve, a health practicioner who, alongside her partner Duncan, help women who have experienced trauma feel safe, strong, and confident in mind and body to reverse pelvic organ prolapse naturally and return to running, lifting, and high-impact sports! 

Duncan works with the body, and Jennie with the mind and emotional repatterning. 

Jennie was told that she would never heal three very severe prolapses by several medical professionals. She was also told to forget her active lifestyle. She always loved running, lifting, skiing, climbing, and playing with our kids. This was one of the lowest points of her life.

She thought she was beyond her past s*xual abuse trauma, but soon realized that although she was no longer in the trauma of the experience, the emotional patterns still remained.

She knew that if she moved out of a dominant emotional set point of vulnerability to a place of safety, she would no longer manifest the most vulnerable part of my body falling out!

She healed in 9 months and has never looked back. At age 49, she do CrossFit 4 times a week, ski, run, and jump.

I'm so glad to introduce you to this powerhouse team!


RACHEL: What inspired you to start writing about/exploring this topic?

JENNIE: I have been a life coach, health practitioner, and law of attraction mentor since 2008, so when I got the prolapses, I was so shocked! "Why me?", I thought.

It seemed I was doing all the right things: healthy eating, meditation, gut cleanses, drinking water, and all the other stuff. However, I knew that instability in the mind = instability in the body.

I soon realized that the vulnerability pattern from s*xual abuse was still running wild in my life - fear of the dark, fear my kids would be abducted, fear I would be attacked when out running alone, and very low self-worth.

I have coined this the "vulnerability to defensiveness" cycle. I had experienced anger and rage my whole life, but I couldn't admit it because I was a "coach." As soon as I embraced my emotions authentically, allowed myself to feel them without judgment, and authentically processed the patterns, my body fully healed to the amazement of three urogynaecologist.

I celebrated by competing in a strong woman competition!

RACHEL: What key insights or lessons have you learned through your experiences with this subject?

JENNIE: You can do all the things, such as meditating, drinking water, and the list goes on, but you can never "out-act" emotional patterns.

They will eventually manifest in the physical body. Tension in the mind equals tension in the body. When you feel vulnerable, you will often manifest physical issues in the most vulnerable part of your body.

Allowing yourself to feel anger and using techniques to move it through the body is a gateway to better-feeling emotions.

Anger is a powerful and transformative emotion.

RACHEL: What challenges or misconceptions do you think people face when dealing with this topic, and how can they overcome them?

JENNIE: Most women have been told that pelvic organ prolapse is purely a physical issue and that it cannot be healed.

They are also told that even if they have surgery, the success rate is very low, and they will need subsequent surgeries.

This causes women to feel powerless and incapacitated.

The future looks bleak!

29 prolapses healed in the last year in our Unshakeable You program.

These are only the success stories we are allowed to share because we can only share the journeys of the women who received confirmation from a pelvic floor physical therapist or urogynecologist.

Women overcome this by dealing with the emotional patterns created by sexual trauma and inspirational stories of hope from other women who have healed.

RACHEL:  Are there any common myths or misunderstandings about this topic that you'd like to address?

JENNIE: That ligaments, fascia, and torn muscles can't heal.

That a prolapse is purely a hernia and can't heal.

We have physical protocols in our program, as well as emotional processes.

However, the human body is more than a meat suit.

We all have an energy field that attracts according to our emotional patterns.

As soon as you start to feel a little differently, you switch on the healing blueprint inside every cell in your body.

Fascia, ligaments, muscles, and tendons are intelligent.

A new reality can find you when your cells react to consciousness rather than negative thinking and feeling.

Many of the women in our program heal in 3-6 months.

RACHEL: What resources, tools, or next steps would you recommend for readers who want to dive deeper into this topic?

JENNIE: We have a website and YouTube channel where you can delve into our Blueprint and watch inspirational healing stories.

We also run a free weekly masterclass called "3 Secrets to Heal Your Prolapse." The masterclass is a live, interactive group masterclass with Jennie. We deep dive into the Unshakeable You Blueprint.


I truly appreciate the perspective that Jennie and Duncan bring to this area of growth and healing that too often is not spoken about, and hope you find some encouragement and inspiration from their story!

To finding your path to healing!

P.S. If you're ready to take the next step in healing from abuse and would like to explore enrolling in the Beyond Surviving program, start by applying for a Discover Your Genuine Self Session.'




Are you ready to put your fears of abandonment
behind you so you can have happy, healthy relationships?

The fear of abandonment is extremely common in those of us who have been abused. When it comes to abandonment, we are very much driven by a fear of the unknown. We do not know if the people we are connecting to may one day withdraw their protection or support.

"People always leave" can be a common inner belief we hold. Some of the behaviors that we fall into as survivors to try to avoid being abandoned can set us up for failure in our relationships.

Boy have I been there! And I can't wait to share with you what helped me put an end to this paralyzing fear.

By participating this master class, you will:

* Gain access to my proven process that will help you feel more confident and secure so you can have a romantic relationship that lasts

* Explore in a safe step-by-step way the destructive false beliefs you have about yourself and others that cause you to run away from relationships

* Identify the toxic behaviors that keep you trapped in a cycle of abandonment and fear and how to overcome them

* Learn practical, easy to use strategies for how to put an end to sabotaging all of your relationships

in partnership with CPTSD Foundation

January 13th


As survivors going through the healing process, it’s beyond difficult at times to have hope. We may not even want to hope because we don’t feel able to withstand any more hurts and disappointments. And yet hope is what keeps us from death and pulls us toward life. Without hope, we can’t heal.

Sign up for my free guide so you can stop spinning your wheels and instead navigate your way through each stage of recovery with ease and clarity. Get the support you need today